You’re in the market to buy a house; not just any house, but a luxury home. You’ve spent countless hours online searching through different real estate sites. You have a pretty good idea of what you can get in your price range, but you need more information. Parkland, FL looks like a great place to live, and you know without a doubt, this is where you want to be. You could spend countless hours researching more, or you could trust in a realtor who specializes in this area. A realtor who specializes in one area like Parkland can rattle off real estate facts quicker than anyone. That’s the kind of expert realtor you need.

  1. They Understand Parkland’s Housing

Real estate is far more complex than one might realize. To understand a market in detail, a realtor must not only be directly involved, but must be a realtor who specializes in one area with certain kinds of housing. A realtor who knows the local area will know every detail about anything and everything you’re interested in. If they don’t? Well, they have the resources to find out. This kind of realtor has insider information and knows you should get a condo on the 6th floor because it overlooks a lake right above tree level. He or she knows the particular house on the corner in the Parkland Golf & Country Club that would be perfect for your ask of an enormous backyard. Save yourself time and go with a realtor who already has the information. This saves a lot of time and is much better than having the realtor who is learning about it while on your time.

  1. They Know the Area (Restaurants/Parks/Things To Do)

2.	They Know The Area (Restaurants/Parks/Things To Do)

When buying a house, the house itself isn’t the only consideration. The community, home amenities, nearby business and restaurants, and overall city offerings, all play a role in purchasing a new house. The realtor who specializes in an area understands what new developments are coming in and what hot housing options will soon be available. It’s important for a realtor to understand what’s going to drive housing prices up or down. Keep this in mind when buying or selling a home. Save yourself the headaches by understanding exactly what you’re getting into when buying or selling a new home. A local realtor will have this information at his or her fingertips.

  1. They Know Other Buyers/Sellers (Connections)

Realtors who specialize in a certain area like Parkland, have every kind of connection you could think of.

Realtors who specialize in a certain area like Parkland, have every kind of connection you could think of. They work and network in this particular area and they interact with the local population, often. Family members and friends have been referred to realtors in this area and this realtor knows everyone (and better yet, everyone knows the realtor). Their kids play on the same baseball teams, their wives walk together through the park, and they patron local businesses. Bottom line, they likely have your buyer in mind when you go to sell your house and they have a seller for you as a buyer. When you go to sell your house, they know of investors searching for your specific type of house. When are in the market to buy a house, they have the perfect house available for you (and with the bonus amenities you want). When a realtor becomes familiar with an area, he or she has buyers willing and ready to make a deal. This is very beneficial in a strong seller’s market.

  1. They Know About the Schools (Public & Private)

A realtor who specializes in one area like Parkland, have every kind of connection you could think of. They work and network in this particular area and they interact with the local population, often. Family members and friends have been referred to realtors in this area and this realtor is well connected. Their kids play on the same baseball teams, their wives walk together through the park, and they patron local businesses. Bottom line, they likely have your buyer or seller in mind when the time comes. When you go to sell your house, they know of investors searching for your specific type of house. They have the perfect house available for you (and with the bonus amenities you want). When a realtor becomes familiar with an area, he or she has buyers willing and ready to make a deal. This is very beneficial in a strong seller’s market.

  1. They Know the Actual Value Of The Homes

A comparative market analysis will give you the value of homes in a particular area. These “comps” will provide you the most recently sold homes and will add or subtract values based on increased square footage, the addition of a pool, or the lack of a garage. But, the value of a home may be different than just the comps available. A realtor who works a particular area, such as The Ranches, knows not only what a home is worth, but what a buyer is willing to pay. What a  buyer is willing to pay, is arguably more important than what was sold for what. A realtor who knows an area intimately will get you the right price based on a number of analytics, not just a price based on past trend analysis.

  1. They Live There Too

A realtor who lives in the area you’re looking to buy or sell, is ideal

A realtor who lives in the area you’re looking to buy or sell, is ideal. This realtor not only knows all the best restaurants, the locations to go to, the ones to avoid, etc. This person can easily apply what you’re interested in and can ensure you get exactly what you want out of a home. For those who are selling, this realtor can do this for your buyer. Knowing what the utilities cost and how much the taxes increase over time, and what undeveloped land is worth, is critical to the real estate market. Wouldn’t you want to live in a place where your realtor sees value? Or who can present that value to a buyer? We do!


Leveraging a Parkland, FL real estate expert will make your life much easier when buying or selling a home. This realtor has all the information readily available and has the experience to understand what is applicable to your particular situation. Go with an expert who will speed up the buying or selling process by having endless amounts of relevant information. You’ll need a realtor who can compete in a competitive market, have inside information, and who knows how to make sure you are represented in the best way possible. Have a leg up in this market and maximize your selling price or find the home of your dreams. When this happens, you’ll be glad you went with the realtor who has the inside scoop.